
Live Beyond Other’s Expectations for Your Life

So you’ve landed your dream job and found a nice place to live in one of the most popular cities in the country – Music City USA.

You’ve achieved many of your dreams and love what you do.

But something just doesn’t feel right about it all. The life you’ve been living is a life separate from you, as if it belonged to someone else. You’re fulfilling a role that’s familiar but, in truth, is not your own.

Questions swirl in your mind…

“What am I doing with my life?”

“What’s my life’s purpose?”

“Am I fulfilling my highest calling?”

“Am I maximizing my true potential?”

Life at Various Stages Throughout Our Lifespan Can Feel Disconnected

A Life-Disconnect.

The daily routine that once felt comforting now seems confining and mundane. You’re in an “in-between.” Touching, but not feeling. Breathing, but not refreshed.

Moving through life in a sensory buffer that leaves you feeling removed from not only your true self but also from others. The momentum of your professional pursuits has announced you’re no longer in charge, but running to catch up. Running to the point of exhaustion.

Not physical exhaustion. It’s deeper than that. You feel overly-sensitive, like you’re never able to catch up in life. It’s the kind of fatigue that permeates everything.

Negative Chatter from Your Inner Voice Makes it Worse

Sentences usually begin with “When…” and end with “then I will…”

“If I…, then….will happen.”

It reminds you of what you can’t do.

Why can’t you do it? What isn’t up to par? What isn’t good enough? What isn’t strong enough?

That inner voice says, “You’re not enough.” So very few statements are life-giving or accurate.

You’re living life ‘edited.’ Reasons not to try. Not to enjoy. Not to move with confidence.


Don’t Let Disconnection and Negative Inner Voices Hold You Back

It takes courage to have an ongoing, interactive dialogue about these things with someone.

I know, because I’ve been there. I’m a well-traveled traveler and can help you navigate your innermost terrain to get to the core of what’s keeping you stuck or feeling unfulfilled.

The answers are worth mining for. It takes courage to start digging and to make a declaration and have the determination to move forward or backward based on what’s revealed.

Self-discovery is a journey to freedom and happiness.

Step Out with Courage

Let me help you help you reconnect with life.

Not a life defined by someone else’s expectations of what it should be, but a life that’s authentically your own.

Sometimes this journey might feel like you’re taking three steps forward and two steps back.

Nonetheless, it’s still a step forward. And your first step begins now.

Give me a call (615) 852-5055, and let me help you find your way back to your true, authentic, beautiful self.